Welcome to CMI Shows
We have been licensing musicals since 2002 and are delighted to introduce our catalog of musicals to you. We are an all-digital licensing company with great shows that your audiences will love. Our user-friendly policies and procedures make it easier than ever to produce your show from “contract to curtain”. We’re here to help. We’d love to hear from you.

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What To Expect From CMI Shows
We understand the pressures of operating and managing live theater. It’s no picnic. Sondheim summed it up well: “Art isn’t easy” – but at CMI Shows, we aim to make our part of the process as easy for you as we possibly can.
We respect your time, your talent, your integrity and your commitment to the arts and we seek to reflect that respect in the way we do business. Our goal is to make your total licensing experience less complicated and more user-friendly.
We’re the new kids on THIS block, but we’ve been licensing musicals since 2002 and we offer great original musicals that are proven audience pleasers. Check out our “Behind-the-Curtain” tab for a sneak peek at new musicals soon to be available for licensing.
Thanks for doing business with CMI Shows!